速報APP / 遊戲 / Magic of Clay: Pony and Horses

Magic of Clay: Pony and Horses





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Russian Federation, 196210 Saint-Petersburg, Startovaya str. 3, office 11

Magic of Clay: Pony and Horses(圖1)-速報App

«Magic of Clay: Cute Clay Pony» is new application from «How to Sculpt» series.

The app consists of 15 lessons of modeling different cute clay ponies. This is a very detailed step by step instructions in a simple visual form.

Do not limit your imagination and fantasy! Create your magic world in clay or polymer clay right now with our apps «Magic of clay. How to sculpt» series!

Magic of Clay: Pony and Horses(圖2)-速報App

Magic of Clay: Pony and Horses(圖3)-速報App

Magic of Clay: Pony and Horses(圖4)-速報App

Magic of Clay: Pony and Horses(圖5)-速報App

Magic of Clay: Pony and Horses(圖6)-速報App

Magic of Clay: Pony and Horses(圖7)-速報App

Magic of Clay: Pony and Horses(圖8)-速報App

Magic of Clay: Pony and Horses(圖9)-速報App